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Let Me Be Your Valentine!

Hello, Hello, Everyone! I am so excited to share the cutest Valentine's Day product with you!  Kids are primarily the ones who enjoy Valentine's Day SO MUCH!  They have crushes on eachother or their teachers and are always dreaming about being someone's Valentine.  Some kids are just in it for the candy!  Most adults are pretty passive about it.  I have heard others say it is just another opportunity for Hallmark to continue getting richer and others are just happy to have something to celebrate in February.  January to May is the longest stretch of the year without a paid holiday for most companies.   Here at Holiday Haberdashery, I will show you how each month has an opportunity to celebrate and keep your home festive.   This month I would like to feature one of my favorite Valentine's Day products!  I absolutely LOVE Martha Stewart's 4-pc collection of Heart Cocottes.  They come in four colors per set and they are...

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